The Raven

The Raven

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saul Bellow Chronology


1915 Born July 10 in Montreal, Canada, the fourth child of Abraham Bellow and Liza Gordon Bellow who had immigrated from St. Petersburg, Russia in 1913.

1924 Family moves to Chicago permanently.

1933 Graduates from Tuley High School (on Chicago's Northwest Side) and enters Univeristy of Chicago.

1935 Transfers to Northwestern University.

1937 B.A. from Northwestern. Honors in sociology and anthropology.

1938 Returns to Chicago. Works on WPA Writer's Project.

1939 Supports himself with teaching, odd jobs and work on the Index (Synopticon) of Great Books series and generally leads a bohemian existence.

1941 "Two Morning Monologues," first publication.

1942 "The Mexican General."

1943 Working on Dangling Man.

1944 Dangling Man, first novel.

1946–48 Teaches at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

1947 The Victim.

1948 Guggenheim Fellowship.

1948–50 Writes and lives in Paris. Travels in Europe. Begins work on The Adventures of Augie March, and publishes segments in various magazines.

1949 "Sermon of Dr. Pep."

1950 Returns to U.S.A. for the next ten years and lives in New York City and Duchess County, New York. Teaches evening courses at New York University, Washington Square. Reviews books, writes articles. Works on novels and short stories.

1951 "Looking for Mr. Green"; "By the Rock Wall"; "Address by Gooley MacDowell to the Hasbeens Club of Chicago."

1952 National Institute of Arts and Letters Award. Creative Writing Fellow, Princeton University.

1953 The Adventures of Augie March; National Book Award; translates Isaac Bashevis Singer's "Gimpel the Fool" from the Yiddish.

1955 "A Father-to-Be"; Guggenheim Fellowship.

1956 Seize the Day;"The Gonzaga Manuscripts."

1958 "Leaving the Yellow House"; Ford Foundation grant.

1959 Henderson the Rain King.

1960–62 Co-edits The Noble Savage; Friends of Literature Fiction Award.

1962 Honorary Doctor of Letters, Northwestern University; joins Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. "Scenes from Humanitis," an early version of the play The Last Analysis.

1963 Edits Great Jewish Short Stories; Honorary Doctor of Letters, Bard College. Returns to Chicago in the fall.

1964 Herzog; James L. Dow Award; National Book Award; Fomentor Award; The Last Analysis opens on Broadway.

1965 International Prize for Herzog; three one-act plays: "Out from Under," "Orange Souffle," "A Wen," staged in April off Broadway by Nancy Walker, for a private showing at the Loft.

1967 "The Old System"; reports on the Six-Day War for Newsday magazine, then published by Bill Moyers.

1968 Mosby's Memoirs and Other Stories; Jewish Heritage Award from B'nai B'rith; French Croix de Chevalier des Arts et Lettres. Begins work on Mr. Sammler's Planet.

1969 Early version of Mr. Sammler's Planet appears.

1970 Mr. Sammler's Planet.

1971 National Book Award for Mr. Sammler's Planet.

1974 "Zetland: By a Character Witness."

1975 Humboldt's Gift.

1976 To Jerusalem and Back: A Personal Account; Nobel Prize for Literature.

1978 "A Silver Dish."

1982 The Dean's December.

1984 Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories.

1989 A Theft.

1989 The Bellarosa Connection.

1992 Something to Remeber Me By.

1994 It All Adds Up.

1997 The Actual.

2000 Ravelstein.


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